Mexico, bags of body parts found in ravine in Tonalá, Jalisco

Mexico, bags of body parts found in ravine in Tonalá, Jalisco
Mexico, bags of body parts found in ravine in Tonalá, Jalisco

Mexico, bags of body parts found in ravine in Tonalá, Jalisco.

After a gruesome discovery on Tuesday of 14 plastic bags of human remains, search efforts turned up another 12 bags Thursday in a ravine in Tonalá, Jalisco, the state Attorney General’s Office reported.

The bags were found by the Santiago River, near the highway to Mazatlán.

The Attorney General’s Ofice has yet to determine how many bodies the bags might contain, as analyses of the remains are still in the initial stages.

The newspaper Reforma reported that experts were having trouble identifying the remains and determining the cause of death due to the advanced state of deterioration of the body parts.

During the 12 months ending November 30, 62 secret graves were found in Jalisco, yielding 156 bodies and the remains of another 50 people. Many other body parts were found in the graves but it has not yet been determined how many bodies they might represent.

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