Greenland Sharks May Live 400 Years, Says New Research

Greenland Sharks May Live 400 Years, Says New Research

Greenland sharks can live as long as 400 years, making them the Earth's longest-living vertebrates, international researchers say. Greenland sharks are probably...

G7 summit trump viral photo sparks meme frenzy

G7 summit trump viral photo, going from baroque to ridiculous. A photo from the G7 summit has gone viral for capturing a telling moment from...

Semi-Trucks Line Up On Freeway To Prevent Suicide (Video)

  Semi-trucks prevent suicide attempt on Detroit freeway. A row of semitrailers stood guard beneath an overpass for about three hours Tuesday to prevent a man...

2000-year-old Florida tree to be scaled for archive sample – Picture

A trio of climbers ascended the towering Lady Liberty on Monday with hopes of giving the 2,000-year-old cypress new life through cloning. The Archangel Ancient...

German killer nurse suspected of 84 more murders, police say

A German police investigation has found evidence that a former nurse murdered at least 86 people in his care. Niels Högel was initially jailed for...

Coronavirus USA Updates: 75 deaths among NYC’s homeless

The homeless are among the most vulnerable to the coronavirus, and in New York City, 75 homeless people have now succumbed to the virus,...