Coronavirus USA Updates: 220 cases of Kawasaki-like illness in US

Coronavirus USA Updates: 220 cases of Kawasaki-like illness in US
Coronavirus USA Updates: 220 cases of Kawasaki-like illness in US

There are at least 220 possible and confirmed cases of pediatric multi-system inflammatory syndrome linked to COVID-19, an inflammatory syndrome with features that overlap with Kawasaki disease.

The illness affecting young people has been reported innearly half of all U.S. states.

Some of these patients have tested positive for either COVID-19 or for COVID-19 antibodies, and some tested negative. Other cases are still under investigation.

There are at least 119 cases of the rare disease in New York state, where three related fatalities also were reported.

New York is leading the national effort to combat the new syndrome, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said this week.

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