Coronavirus USA Updates: UNC-Chapel Hill has 4th cluster of cases in 3 days

Coronavirus USA Updates: UNC-Chapel Hill has 4th cluster of cases in 3 days
Coronavirus USA Updates: UNC-Chapel Hill has 4th cluster of cases in 3 days

The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill announced a cluster of cases at a residence hall, marking the 4th cluster discovered at the university in the last 3 days.

The cluster — which refers to five or more cases in close proximity — was found in Hinton James Residence Hall, the university said in a statement.

The individuals from this cluster have been identified, isolated and have received medical monitoring. The Orange County Health Department is also working to identify anyone else who may have been exposed.

Two clusters were found in residence halls — Ehringhaus Community and Granville Towers — on Friday. An additional cluster was discovered at Sigma Nu fraternity on Saturday, according to the university. Two other residence halls have also seen clusters

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