Coronavirus USA updates: 7 COVID-19-related deaths linked to Maine wedding

Coronavirus USA updates: 7 COVID-19-related deaths linked to Maine wedding
Coronavirus USA updates: 7 COVID-19-related deaths linked to Maine wedding

An Aug. 7 wedding and reception in Maine’s Millinocket region has been connected to 176 coronavirus cases, according to the state.

Seven coronavirus-related deaths have been linked to the wedding, according to Maine’s Center for Disease Control and Prevention. None of those seven people attended the wedding, Maine’s CDC said.

– 872 million kids still not in school

Today, 872 million students — or half the world’s student population in 51 countries — are still unable to head back to their classrooms, UNICEF executive director Henrietta Fore said Tuesday.

At least 24 million children are projected to drop out of school due to COVID-19, Fore said at a joint press conference with the World Health Organization and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

“The sheer number of children whose education was completely disrupted for months on end is nothing short of a global education emergency,” Fore said.

WHO emergencies chief Dr. Mike Ryan added, “we have to reduce transmission at community level in order to lower the risk to those older and vulnerable people and to maintain an environment in which our children can continue to attend school.”

Ryan said the only way to do that is the adults separate themselves enough to drive transmission downwards.

“What is more important — our children back at school? Or the nightclubs and the bars open?” Ryan said. “These are the trade-offs.”

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