Is Nibiru Real? What NASA Said About ‘Planet X’

Is Nibiru Real? What NASA Said About ‘Planet X’
Is Nibiru Real? What NASA Said About ‘Planet X’
Is Nibiru Real? What NASA Said About ‘Planet X’
Is Nibiru Real? What NASA Said About ‘Planet X’

A mysterious planet might be lurking on the edge of our solar system.

The gigantic icy planet is believed to be ten times larger than Earth and 20 times farther away from the sun than Neptune.

Conspiracy theorists have recently claimed that a similar world called Nibiru is about to plunge into Earth and wipe out humanity.

Leading scientists from across the world have debunked the outlandish theory and said there is there is no such planet as Nibiru.

Jonathan McDowell, an astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, has ridiculed the claim, calling it a “hoax”.

In a heated exchange on Twitter, Mr McDowell said: “There is no Nibiru. That’s a hoax. Possible that a comet may hit Earth someday, but as far as we know there’s nothing aimed at us right now.”

Despite scientists rejecting the end of the world theory and the existence of Nibiru, NASA have said that a Planet X could actually be lurking beyond the solar system.

In 2016 researchers from Caltech University found evidence suggesting that a hypothetical ninth planet the size of Neptune, could be orbiting the sun beyond the reaches of Pluto.

Jim Green, director of NASA’s Planetary Science Division, described the finding as an “exciting” development for the scientific community.

“The possibility of a new planet is certainly an exciting one for me as a planetary scientist and for all of us,” said Mr Green.

“This is not, however, the detection or discovery of a new planet. It’s too early to say with certainty there’s a so-called Planet X.

“What we’re seeing is an early prediction based on modelling from limited observations. It’s the start of a process that could lead to an exciting result.”

But Nasa has debunked the theory that Nibiru is real and on a collision course with Earth that could lead to the end of the world.

Following the 2012 end of the world scare, Nasa said: “Nibiru and other stories about wayward planets are an Internet hoax. There is no factual basis for these claims.”

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