BBC Weather presenter can’t control giggles after technical hitch (Watch)

BBC Weather presenter can't control giggles after technical hitch (Watch)
BBC Weather presenter can't control giggles after technical hitch (Watch)
BBC Weather presenter can't control giggles after technical hitch (Watch)
BBC Weather presenter can’t control giggles after technical hitch (Watch)

BBC weather presenter hit by devastating fit of giggles after embarrassing caption error names her ‘ex-offender’.

Kawser Quamer launched into her forecast for the region as normal when an incorrect caption appeared describing her as “Aaron Ramsay – Ex-offender”.

Barely suppressing giggles at this incongruous title, Ms Quamer forges onwards, only for a second caption to appear, this time reading “Julie Cree – Throughcare Support Officer”.

With a laughing quaver in her voice, Ms Quamer nevertheless manages to make it to the end of the segment.

The instant fellow presenter Catriona Shearer appears on screen however, a third glitch occurs, introducing her as “Vicky Stewart – Aaron’s fiancee”.

BBC TV News Presenter Simon McCoy posted an excerpt of the hilarious stuff-up to Twitter yesterday, where it has since received more than a thousand likes.

Last month BBC presenter Tom Donkin appeared to get lost on set before approaching and addressing the wrong camera during a live broadcast.

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