Coronavirus Australia Updates: 22 new cases of COVID-19 in the past 24 hours

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Australia’s Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer Alison McMillan is updating the nation’s official coronavirus statistics.

In the past 24 hours, Australia has recorded 22 newly confirmed cases of the virus: 15 in Victoria, six in New South Wales and one in South Australia.

Five additional deaths were reported overnight, taking the country’s death toll to 859.

– Victoria’s COVID-19 cases linked to aged care

Victoria’s 15 new coronavirus cases include four infections linked to aged care at facilities Baptcare Wyndham Lodge, Estia Keilor, Japara Elanora and Edenvale Manor.

While four were linked to existing outbreaks at the Alfred Hospital and Dandenong Police Station.

Two cases are linked to complex cases which remain under investigation. A total of five other cases are also under investigation.

Of the new infections, three were in Greater Dandenong, two were in Manningham, Moreland and Wyndham and single cases were reported in Boroondara, Frankston, Melton, Moonee Valley and Whittlesea.

The LGA for one case was subject to further investigation.

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