Coronavirus Australia Updates: Breaking down the 12 new cases recorded in Victoria

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Coronavirus Australia Updates: Minister insists Federal Government had a COVID-19 plan for nursing homes

Victoria has recorded 12 new cases of coronavirus since yesterday, with the total number of cases now at 20,129.

The overall total has increased by 11 due to one case being reclassified.

Within Victoria, five of the new cases are linked to outbreaks or complex cases and seven are under investigation.

Of today’s five cases linked to outbreaks, three are linked to aged care (Baptcare Wyndham Lodge and Edenvale Manor Aged Care) and two are linked to a complex case.

Of today’s 12 new cases, there are three cases each in Brimbank and Wyndham, two cases in Greater Dandenong and single cases in Banyule, Monash and Mitchell.

One further case is still under investigation.

There has been one new death from COVID-19 reported since yesterday – a woman aged in her 80s.

Today’s new death is linked to a known aged care facility outbreak. To date, 782 people have died from coronavirus in Victoria.

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