Coronavirus Updates: Spain report low daily death tolls ahead of phased reopening

Coronavirus Updates: Spain report low daily death tolls ahead of phased reopening
Coronavirus Updates: Spain report low daily death tolls ahead of phased reopening

France and Spain have reported their lowest daily COVID-19 deaths in over a month. The numbers come one day before both countries loosen restrictions on their lockdowns.

France’s health ministry reported Sunday there were 70 COVID-19 deaths in one day, bringing the total to 26,380. There are 176,782 diagnosed cases in the country, according to Johns Hopkins University.

Starting Monday, small shops and markets in France can open with limits on capacity. Groups of up to 10 people inside or outside will be allowed. Many schools will reopen on Tuesday. Bars, restaurants, cafes and large museums will remain closed.

Spain has the second-highest number of COVID-19 cases in the world with 223,578, according to Johns Hopkins. The country had 143 deaths in one day, for a total of 26,621, Spain’s health ministry reported on Sunday.

Starting Monday, 51% of the nation will start to reopen, with regions not hit hard by the virus able to open small businesses, hotels and churches with limited occupancy. Dine-in restaurants, museums, cinemas, theaters and schools will remain closed.

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