Coronavirus USA Update: deaths near 10,000 as medical officials warn worst is yet to come

Coronavirus USA Update: deaths near 10,000 as medical officials warn worst is yet to come
Coronavirus USA Update: deaths near 10,000 as medical officials warn worst is yet to come

With the number of people killed by the coronavirus in the United States nearing 10,000 on Monday, the country’s top medical officials warned the worst was yet to come.

The number of cases has ballooned to 337,752 — nearly three times higher than the second-worst hit country, Spain — with 9,619 people killed as of 5:10 am ET, according to NBC News’ tracker.

At the epicenter of the outbreak in the U.S., New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said critical medical supplies and staff have been secured but warned the magnitude of the crisis equals that of the Spanish flu and Great Depression.

– France on Sunday reported 357 hospital deaths from the coronavirus, the lowest daily increase in a week, bringing the country’s toll to 8,078. But authorities and doctors warned people not to be tempted outside by the sunny spring weather and to continue to respect the lockdown measures.

The health ministry data showed that 357 people died from Covid-19 in hospitals, compared with 441 in the previous 24 hours, taking the total toll in hospitals to 5,889.

It said that 2,189 people had died in nursing homes since 1 March, taking France’s total death toll to 8,078.

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