Coronavirus USA Updates: NJ schools closed for rest of academic year

Coronavirus USA Updates: NJ schools closed for rest of academic year
Coronavirus USA Updates: NJ schools closed for rest of academic year

In New Jersey, where 7,910 people have succumbed to the coronavirus, schools will remain closed for the rest of the academic year with students continuing to learn remotely, Gov. Phil Murphy said.

New Jersey parks reopened this weekend for residents to enjoy exercise in the spring weather, and the governor said when he and his wife went for a run in a Monmouth County park on Sunday, “they had the place set up exactly as the doctor ordered.”

“Folks did not congregate,” he said. “It was generally a very, very positive experience. The only exception and I want to hit this point again hard, not enough masks. I’d say 80 or 90% of the folks were not wearing masks.”

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