Coronavirus USA Updates: WHO warns virus ‘may never go away’

Coronavirus USA Updates: WHO warns virus 'may never go away'
Coronavirus USA Updates: WHO warns virus 'may never go away'

It will take a worldwide “massive effort” to crush the coronavirus outbreak, even if a vaccine is found, WHO emergencies expert Dr. Mike Ryan said at a briefing. And without a vaccine it could take years for the global population to build up levels of immunity required to neutralize the pandemic. Ryan noted that vaccines for measles and other illnesses have failed to completely eliminate them.

“I think it is important we are realistic,” Ryan said. “I don’t think anyone can predict when this disease will disappear. I think there are no promises in this and there are no dates.”

– Wisconsin Supreme Court overturns governor’s stay-at-home order

A stay-at-home order issued by the administration of Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers has been struck down by the state’s Supreme Court. Evers had sought to extend restrictions on residents through the end of May to halt the spread of coronavirus in the state. Republican lawmakers objected because of the impact on the economy. In the majority opinion, Chief Justice Patience Roggesack determined Department of Health Services Secretary Andrea Palm should have issued such state restrictions through a process known as rule making, which gives lawmakers veto power over agency policies.

The ruling will force the Democratic governor and Republican-controlled Legislature to work together on the state’s response to the ebbs and flows of the outbreak – a dynamic the two sides have rarely been able to achieve before.

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