Dog saves flock of sheep As Australian Bushfires Creep Closer

Dog saves flock of sheep As Australian Bushfires Creep Closer
Dog saves flock of sheep As Australian Bushfires Creep Closer

A hero working dog has found social media fame after she saved a flock of sheep from the devastating fires near Corryong on New Year’s Eve.

Now dubbed Patsy The Corryong Wonder Dog the six-year-old kelpie border collie cross, along with her owner, rounded up the animals as the fire was bearing down on them.

Cath Hill posted a video of the dog on Facebook on Friday which has already been shared more than 6800 times and an Instagram account has more than 4000 followers in just three days.

“In the early hours of 31 December 2019, while fire in Corryong was bearing down them, she and my brother rounded up the sheep and brought them to the safest paddock on the farm,” Ms Hill said.

Ms Hill posted an update on Tuesday encouraging people who are following Patsy to donate to help the community.

Another photo of Patsy has also been shared showing just how close the dog came to the flames.

“This is Patsy just after she and her human brought the sheep to safety – cool as a cucumber,” the Instagram post said.

The charities Patsy’s owner supports includes Wildlife Victoria, Blaze Aid, The Red Cross and GoFundMe fundraisers for both Corryong and Cudgewa.

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