Driver escapes from car dangling off ninth-floor car park (Watch)

Driver escapes from car dangling off ninth-floor car park (Watch)
Driver escapes from car dangling off ninth-floor car park (Watch)

A driver escaped unharmed after he lost control of his car and ended up dangling mid-air from a multi-storey car park in Austin, Texas on Friday, September 9.

Austin police said the incident happened just before 2:40 p.m. at the Littlefield Garage at the corner of Congress Avenue and East Sixth Street. The driver managed to drive his Toyota 4Runner off the top level of the parking garage and got it caught in the high tension wires. The driver managed to get out of the SUV without any injuries.

Several people who work in the downtown area took photos of the car dangling between the garage and another building. KXAN Viewer Andrew Miller was grabbing a bite to eat at the nearby P. Terry’s when he saw the commotion and immediately ran outside to see what was going on.

“The driver was still in the driver seat when I came outside,” says Miller. “It looked pretty dangerous even though it wasn’t swinging.” Miller immediately took out his phone and managed to get video of the driver climbing out of the vehicle moments after it went off the garage. Miller says the whole incident reminded him of a scene from Jurassic Park.

Miller says it was also a close call for a Jimmy John’s delivery person who was on a bicycle going through the alleyway when the vehicle came over the garage.

Emergency crews are currently working to get the suspended vehicle down to the ground.

Laura F. Nixon

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