Far-Right Supporter Fails To Tear LGBT Sign (Watch)

Far-Right Supporter Fails To Tear LGBT Sign (Watch)
Far-Right Supporter Fails To Tear LGBT Sign (Watch)
Far-Right Supporter Fails To Tear LGBT Sign (Watch)
Far-Right Supporter Fails To Tear LGBT Sign (Watch)

Far-right supporter tries to tear up a protester’s sign and fails.

The clip – which was posted to YouTube – sees the alleged supporter of the extremist group the Proud Boys, a group considered to be a white nationalist hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center, grab a placard protesting fascism.

It’s reported by Pink News that the man was attending a Proud Boys rally outside an immigration conference in Seattle when he grabbed hold of the Pride flag with the words: “NO! In the name of humanity, we refuse to accept a fascist America.”

Onlookers watched and laughed as the man – who was wearing fingerless gloves – tried and failed to tear apart the placard to put it in a bin.

A woman can be heard heckling the man saying: “Oh, it’s so hard! You’re so close. The other way? You’ve got to do it again.

“This is a very educated city, there’s a lot of engineers in this city. You could get a lot of help.”

After what feels like a long minute, the woman mocks him by telling him he could have lifted the lid off the bin to fit it in.

She said: “You needed a liberal to help you with that? You’re too fucking stupid to work it out on your own?”

The man – who has been identified as college student Luke James Mahler – proceeded to walk away from the bin while still carrying the sign.

On Facebook he wrote: “At first I was angered, then I realised this guy has nothing better to do than film me destroying a sign.

“Thank you people for wasting your time watching some random guy try to rip a polyester sign. All of the people who are giving me shit clearly don’t know how laminated materials work.”

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