Gary Johnson On CNN: “Well, first of all, just grateful that nobody got hurt,”

Gary Johnson On CNN: "Well, first of all, just grateful that nobody got hurt,"
Gary Johnson On CNN: "Well, first of all, just grateful that nobody got hurt,"

The third-party candidate Gary Johnson was asked for his response to the frightening Chelsea explosion Saturday night, the pipe bomb in New Jersey and stabbings in Minnesota.

“Well, first of all, just grateful that nobody got hurt,” Johnson said.

While no one was killed, 29 people were injured. It’s possible Johnson misspoke and was referring to there being no deaths, and it’s also possible he confused it with an earlier explosion in New Jersey where there were no injuries.

The comment comes 10 days after Johnson was ridiculed for asking what Aleppo was while conducting an interview on MSNBC.

Aleppo is a major city in Syria that is caught in the middle of its refugee crisis. Johnson later said he should have known that.

Despite the error regarding the bombing, Johnson praised the efforts of law enforcement.

“If there’s anything I learned having been governor of New Mexico for eight years, it that these people really do care, they are really qualified, they really do get to the bottom of this,” Johnson said. “We’re going to find out who’s responsible, whether it’s an individual or a group, and they will be brought to justice. That is something that all of us demand.”

It was recently announced Johnson will not be at the first presidential debate, which is what most of his interview with Brian Stelter covered. Johnson said he hoped to continue campaigning and make either the second or third debate.

Laura F. Nixon

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