Helge Ingstad sinks after collision with Maltese oil tanker

Helge Ingstad sinks after collision with Maltese oil tanker
Helge Ingstad sinks after collision with Maltese oil tanker
Helge Ingstad sinks after collision with Maltese oil tanker
Helge Ingstad sinks after collision with Maltese oil tanker

Helge Ingstad sinks after collision with Maltese oil tanker.

A Norwegian frigate that collided with a Maltese tanker in a fjord in western Norway last week was almost completely submerged yesterday, despite efforts to salvage the sinking vessel.

The Norwegian military has been working to salvage the ship by tethering it with several cables to the shore, but some of these cables had broken.

The 5,000-tonne KNM Helge Ingstad took on water after colliding with Maltese oil tanker Sola TS in Hjeltefjord near Bergen. The accident, the cause of which has yet to be determined, injured eight of the 137 people on board the frigate, which was returning from Nato-led Trident Juncture 18 exercises. The tanker suffered only minor damage.

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