Iain Lee shares his story of childhood sexual abuse, Report

Iain Lee shares his story of childhood sexual abuse, Report
Iain Lee shares his story of childhood sexual abuse, Report
Iain Lee shares his story of childhood sexual abuse, Report
Iain Lee shares his story of childhood sexual abuse, Report

Iain Lee reveals ‘sexual abuse’ as a child led to depression on new Channel 5 documentary.

In a new documentary the comedian features in, called Me and My Mental Health that’s due to air this week, The Sun, who claim to have seen the programme, say that the 2017 I’m A Celeb finalist, 44, talks about how he was abused as a child.

‘A lot of my depression comes around self-loathing, shame and guilt,’ he said. ‘How do I say this? There was a bit of sexual abuse that went on as a kid. A scout master and stuff, which kind of weighed heavily on me.’

The star is known for his outspoken nature regarding mental health and in combating the stigmas of it, especially when chatting on his talkRADIO show or on reality programmes like I’m A Celeb – he’s been open and honest about how he’s suffered over the years and is still battling against it.

‘It is the most horrendous messed-up scenario, it was humiliating and it was shameful, and I remember getting home to my mum and dad and never telling them. I never told them,’ Iain revealed, after suffering the abuse as a young child.

He also links the sexual abuse to his adulthood depression: ‘I think it certainly played a part in my depression, what happened to me at the age of eight. I can see that as the starting point for it. Because up until then the memories I do have are generally quite happy.

‘Now I feel embarrassed and ashamed talking about it, it was 35 years ago.’

Iain, who appears on the documentary alongside other names such as actor Adam Deacon and presenter Trisha Goddard, where he discusses the upsetting times he contemplated taking his own life: ‘I was out walking the dog and we were in these woods and I just thought, “F*ck, this is really off the beaten track, I could get a bit of rope.”

‘”I could hang myself here and no one would find me for ages.” And I really allowed myself to go off into this fantasy.’

Catch Me and My Mental Health this Thursday, at 9pm, on Channel 5.

Yahoo Celebrity has reached out to Iain for comment.

For further information and help on dealing with mental health issues and suicidal thoughts, visit The Samaritans.

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