Jill Stein Stumps For Green Party in Wilkes-Barre

Jill Stein Stumps For Green Party in Wilkes-Barre
Jill Stein Stumps For Green Party in Wilkes-Barre

Jill Stein is set to speak Wednesday night to college students in Wilkes-Barre.

Wednesday night the Green Party’s nominee for President stumped in Luzerne County. Jill Stein attended a rally at Wilkes University.

Stein focused on the effort to ban fracking in Pennsylvania, health care reform, and tuition-free education.

She also talked about America’s two party system in an exclusive interview with Eyewitness News Reporter Kelly Choate.

“In this election, the two establishment candidates, not only are they the most disliked and untrusted, but even their own supporters do not particularly like them,” said Stein.

Stein’s running mate is human rights activist Ajamu Baraka. Americans in 48 states are able to cast a vote for the Stein/Baraka ticket, including right here in Pennsylvania.

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