Lost lizard found after 10 day in freezer of Florida pizza restaurant

Lost lizard found after 10 day in freezer of Florida pizza restaurant
Lost lizard found after 10 day in freezer of Florida pizza restaurant

A bearded dragon that escaped from a Canadian man’s yard is back home after taking a 10-day trek to where the pet was found 2 1/2 miles away.

William Hill said his pet lizard, Groot, ran off from his home in the Elmwood area of Winnipeg, Manitoba, when his father took the animal outside for some fresh air June 13.

Hill said he searched the area for his pet, but he feared Groot would not be able to survive without a consistent source of heat to emulate his native environment.

Cara Velnes, who lives in the St. Boniface area of Winnipeg, about 2 1/2 miles from Hill’s home, said she heard a commotion outside her house Tuesday night and went out to discover some neighborhood kids had found a large lizard underneath a parked vehicle.

Velnes brought the dragon inside, where she just happened to have an empty tank for a bearded dragon she had once considered getting her children for Christmas before their wish lists changed.

Velnes posted about the discovery on a St. Boniface Facebook group, where another member recalled seeing Hill’s post about Groot’s escape on a Facebook group for local lost pets.

Velnes got into contact with Hill, who soon arrived at her home with his sister.

Hill said Groot appeared to be in good health, but he is planning to have the reptile examined by a veterinarian as soon as possible.

Velnes said the incident might lead to her buying a bearded dragon to fill the once-again vacant tank.

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