Manitoba teen now cleared to meet Obama, Report

Manitoba teen now cleared to meet Obama, Report
Manitoba teen now cleared to meet Obama, Report

A Manitoba teen who was told he couldn’t meet former US President Barack Obama has now been given the all-clear.

Lisa Dyck, who lives near Beausejour, Man., said she and her 17-year-old son Aaron bought tickets for a meet-and-greet with Obama when he visits Winnipeg on Monday.

Dyck was told this week, however, that Aaron was ineligible to meet the 44th president, one of his heroes.

“I thought we were approved. I thought we were good to go, and we were excited for this opportunity.”

Dyck said she was notified Tuesday that, for unexplained reasons, Aaron was no longer able to attend the meet-and-greet because they said he was flagged by the Secret Service.

“I was speechless. I didn’t know what to make of it. He’s 17-years-old. I don’t know what my son could have done to warrant that.”

However, whatever mix-up had occurred has now been cleared up, Dyck said Friday.

“I’d asked them to kindly do a second request of a review, and I sent in his identification … and then we heard word that he had been cleared and he’s now allowed to meet-and-greet the president.

“It was a case of mistaken identity.”

Aaron is happy that he gets to meet one of his idols after all, said Dyck.

“This is great news. So we’re very thankful and appreciative of the people that worked hard for us, the [Winnipeg] Chamber was the third party involved, and they were great.”

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