Rachael Bland: ‘days to live’, devastating blow her breast cancer

Rachael Bland: 'days to live', devastating blow her breast cancer
Rachael Bland: 'days to live', devastating blow her breast cancer
Rachael Bland: 'days to live', devastating blow her breast cancer
Rachael Bland: ‘days to live’, devastating blow her breast cancer

Rachael Bland diagnosed with cancer, has days to live.

The BBC Radio 5 Live news reader shared the news on Twitter, writing: “In the words of the legendary Frank S – I’m afraid the time has come my friends.

“And suddenly. I’m told I’ve only got days. It’s very surreal. Thank you so much for all the support I’ve received.”

Bland, who co-hosts the You, Me and the Big C podcast with Deborah James and Lauren Mahon, confirmed they would carry on the show without her, adding: “Au revoir my friends.”

The 40-year-old, who has been married to husband Steve for four years, is mother to son Freddie, two. The couple will celebrate their fifth wedding anniversary on September 14th.

Ms Bland has said she was diagnosed with primary triple-negative breast cancer in November 2016 and has been documenting her journey on her blog Big C Little Me, which has the tag line “Putting the can in cancer”.

On August 3rd, she said she had been ruled out of clinical trials because of a rise in enzymes.

She wrote on Instagram: “Another bump in the road. Whilst I was concentrating on my lungs my liver was busy throwing a [spanner] in the works.

“An enzyme called ALT has been steadily on the rise since I started trials. It is a sign of liver damage and right now it rules me out of any further trials.

“So we’re chucking everything at it. Change of steroid. No alcohol and liver detox diet. And hoping those numbers start going down again.

“This just got serious. Game face on.”

She added that she was rushing to complete a memoir for her son, saying: “It’s now a real race against time for me to finish my book For Freddie. If you need me, you’ll find me typing and drinking gallons of water!”

She later wrote on Twitter that she had secured an agent, who was working on finding her a publisher for the memoir.

Bland’s Radio 5 colleague Richard Bacon was among those offering her support on Twitter, writing: “Days. Devastating. Rachael I know saying I’m thinking of you (and our magnificent time together on air, especially all that late night fun) doesn’t change anything.

“But I am and I’m so very sorry. Your podcast has helped change the way people talk about all this. You’re wonderful.”

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