Rare Orange Lobster Discovered At Roche Bros, Supermarket (Picture)

Rare Orange Lobster Discovered At Roche Bros, Supermarket (Photo)
Rare Orange Lobster Discovered At Roche Bros, Supermarket (Photo)
Rare Orange Lobster Discovered At Roche Bros, Supermarket (Photo)
Rare Orange Lobster Discovered At Roche Bros, Supermarket (Photo)

Rare orange lobster is discovered in a Massachusetts supermarket but is spared from becoming someone’s dinner after it is donated to a local aquarium.

Roche Bros. sells a lot lobster — more than 250,000 pounds to be exact — each year. But last week, one lobster stood out among their latest shipment.

The New England Aquarium said the Roche Bros. grocery store in Westborough came across an orange lobster in a shipment of normally colored lobsters. The shipment came from Cape Breton Island in Nova Scotia.

Most orange lobsters have a mixed of orange and black, but this rare crustacean has a predominately pumpkin-like color.

The aquarium says the orange lobster is more rare than a blue lobster, occurring naturally at an incident of one in 30 million. The lobster is mostly likely in the 7 to 9-year-old range.

The lobster will be donated to The New England Aquarium, but it won’t be visible to the public for a while as he has to go on a month-long quarantine.

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