Sarah Thomas: Open water swimmer finishes 82-mile swim across Lake Powell

Sarah Thomas: Open water swimmer finishes 82-mile swim across Lake Powell
Sarah Thomas: Open water swimmer finishes 82-mile swim across Lake Powell

Sarah Thomas has completed an 82-mile swim across Lake Powell that took her 56 hours.

Thomas never stopped swimming to make sure that she qualified for a record for an unassisted marathon swim.

According to Open Water Swimming’s website, “Jamie Patrick, one of her escort pilots wrote, ‘There is nothing to say except that Sarah Thomas is beyond incredible.’”

The lake, a reservoir on the Colorado River, rests on the border between Arizona and Utah.

The water temperature averages 67 degrees in October.

The Denver Post reported that independent judges watched the swim from a trailing boat.

Thomas had a team of 13 people with her who traveled by boat and delivered food to her every half hour. The food consisted of two liquid carbohydrate and electrolyte mixtures.

Thomas said it was difficult to walk afterward because her feet and body were so weak.

Thomas, of Conifer, Colorado, had performed marathon swims previously but never as long as her journey on Lake Powell along the Arizona-Utah border.

Sherri E. White

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