Spider-Man Far From Home teaser: Possible spoilers follow

Spider-Man Far From Home teaser: Possible spoilers follow
Spider-Man Far From Home teaser: Possible spoilers follow

After much anticipation, the first teaser trailer for Spider-Man: Far From Home was released to much fanfare this morning. Beyond offering a glimpse into Spidey’s next solo outing, the new footage gives us our first look at life in the MCU following the events of Avengers: Endgame. Although the trailer gives a few hints about this and provides us with the long-awaited reveal of Jake Gyllenhaal’s Mysterio, it largely focuses on Peter and his schoolmates’ summer trip to Europe. There’s a lot to unpack here, so let’s jump right into it!

The trailer’s opening gives us an idea of what Peter’s been up to after the planet’s run-in with Thanos. It’s clear that he’s been using his costumed alter-ego for a good cause by helping to raise money for the homeless. Aunt May appears to be in charge of the event, mirroring her character’s charitable work in Spider-Man PS4. It’s also good to see that May has warmed up to the fact that her nephew is a superhero after her less-than-enthused reaction at the end of Spider-Man: Homecoming.

Next, we have a funny scene where Happy Hogan visits Peter and May, presumably after the charity function. He arrives brandishing a check for half a million dollars, probably dwarfing the charity’s other donors. What’s interesting here is that the signature on the check belongs to Pepper Potts, which begs the question: Where’s Tony Stark? Is he even around anymore? We’ll just have to wait and see…

We also get a quick shot of Peter’s bedroom, which looks different from his room in Homecoming. The boxes hint that the Parkers may have recently moved, which suggests a lengthy amount of time has passed between Endgame and Peter’s latest adventure.

The trailer closes with an amusing exchange between MJ, Flash, and Peter. In the comics, Flash’s contempt for Peter and idolization of Spider-Man always gave readers a good laugh, and hearing him call Peter a “dickwad” immediately after singing Spider-Man’s praises is sure to elicit a similar reaction among moviegoers.

What are your thoughts on all the details shown in the Spider-Man: Far From Home teaser trailer? What are you most excited to see in the film? Be sure to let us know in the comment section below!

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