Thames eels found to have ingested cocaine (Reports)

Thames eels found to have ingested cocaine (Reports)
Thames eels found to have ingested cocaine (Reports)

Scientists say London’s cocaine consumption is so high it is detectable in the Thames and is affecting its wildlife.

So much cocaine is being consumed in London that it is detectable in the river Thames.

A high cocaine level in the river Thames’ waste water is making London eels hyperactive, research shows.

Scientists from King’s College London said their findings indicate Londoners use coke consistently throughout the week. The Sunday Times reports previous research of other European cities shows drug use typically increases at weekends, whereas London’s level was steady.

Measuring nearby the Houses of Parliament, a low level that spiked following rain heavy enough to cause sewer overflow was found in the capital’s river.

The research paper says: “Concentrations of cocaine and benzoylecgonine remained high in wastewater across the week with only a minor increase over the weekend, which is not consistent with other cities.

“London is known as one of the highest consumers of cocaine and this suggested everyday usage.

“Increases in caffeine, cocaine and benzoylecgonine were observed 24 hours after sewer overflow events.”

This information was reported alongside a study from the University of Naples Federico II that found European eels “appeared hyperactive” when put in a solution of cocaine and water.

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