Winnipeg woman finds hidden cameras in her home (Reports)

Winnipeg woman finds hidden cameras in her home (Reports)
Winnipeg woman finds hidden cameras in her home (Reports)
Winnipeg woman finds hidden cameras in her home (Reports)
Winnipeg woman finds hidden cameras in her home (Reports)

Winnipeg police allege a man hid cameras in his ex-wife’s bedroom and sent images of the woman having sex to her relatives.

“For a few days, I just wanted to hide inside a cupboard and not come out. I felt so violated,” the woman said.

The woman discovered the first camera on a Friday afternoon last April, after spotting an electrical socket facing her bed she had never noticed before.

“I was like, ‘Something is off,'” she said. “Something is in that thing. So I tried taking it out, but I was so scared because I thought maybe it’s a bomb. I literally thought to myself: ‘He has planted a bomb and this house is going to explode. You’re all going to die.'”

The woman called police, who pulled a home surveillance camera out of the bedroom wall and soon discovered another camera with a view of the main living area of the home. They also found a USB cable dangling from a hole someone had crudely cut in the exterior stucco of the house, according to search warrant documents filed in Court of Queen’s Bench.

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  1. the pedophile dictator of turkey tayyip erdogan has been doing the same thing to an ordinary family in turkey. he sends images to turkish media, ntv, haberturk, bloomberght, kanal7, ahaber, fox tv, trt and more and more.

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