Liz Hurley’s lookalike son: Basically identical in his 17th birthday

Liz Hurley's lookalike son: Basically identical in his 17th birthday
Liz Hurley's lookalike son: Basically identical in his 17th birthday

Liz Hurley, she of the pearly white teeth, glass-blue eyes and lustrous mane, has a doppelgänger, and it’s not Kate Beckinsale or someone on that TV show The Royals or whoever. It’s her son, Damian. To commemorate his 17th birthday, he posted a photo on his Instagram account. In it he’s wearing pearly white teeth, glass-blue eyes and a lustrous mane. And a green camouflage t-shirt. The photo had no chance of going unnoticed, however, as it’s been noted that Liz has worn the exact same t-shirt.

And, side-by-side, the two look pretty much identical. Even though Damian still looks a lot like his father, businessman Steve Bing, who notoriously and misguidedly demanded a paternity test when Damian was born (it was positive, of course), he is utterly Liz in other ways. The pout, the lavish hair, even the stance are extra-reminiscent of his mum, in addition to the naturally-occurring features of resemblance. The pair are close – recently seeing in 2019 on holiday in India together – and maybe some of their behaviours rub off on one another.

Some, such as Eamonn Holmes, have said the pair’s relationship is ‘seriously weird’, though. And sure, there are some questions: who does take those bikini photos of Liz that she posts online when the only person she’s on holiday with is her son? (that one’s been answered, actually, as she said: ‘When we’re on holiday together, sure he’ll take some pictures).

‘And you know, he’s got a really good eye and he’s studying photography and it’s ridiculous.’ Who is that miraculously close with their mum aged 17? (FYI, Liz, who was a bit of a rebellious punk in her own youth, features in six of Damian’s 21 most recent Instagram posts). However, the most pressing question right now remains: how is it logical for 53-year-old Liz to have the skin and hair and eyes of a 17-year-old boy?

Some rumours have it that Damian is due to get £1.8m when he turns 18, as his father’s been putting £100,000 into a trust every year, once a year, from when he was born. However, other rumours suggest that Damian won’t be entitled to a penny, as he was born out of wedlock.

Regardless of the money, he’ll always have his mother’s love, as well as that of his godparents in the form of Liz’s ex Hugh Grant, and friends Patsy Kensit, Elton John and husband David Furnish.

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