MH370 is in jungle? Man spots MH370 on Google Maps

MH370 is in jungle? Man spots MH370 on Google Maps
MH370 is in jungle? Man spots MH370 on Google Maps
MH370 is in jungle? Man spots MH370 on Google Maps
MH370 is in jungle? Man spots MH370 on Google Maps

MH370 is in jungle? A BRITISH video producer has sensationally claimed to have discovered the remains of the doomed Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 on Google Maps.

Ian Wilson said he has spotted the doomed plane deep in the Cambodian jungle thanks to the popular mapping service from the internet search engine giant.

The plane vanished in 2014 with 239 people on board but its whereabouts has been shrouded in mystery amid several conspiracy theories that have been put forward.

Pixelated images from Google Maps appear to show the outline of a large aircraft, but this could simply be one that had been flying below the satellite that pictured it.

Mr Wilson told the Daily Star Online that the measurements are close to that of a Boeing 777-200, although there appears to be a mysterious gap between the tail and the main body.

But this could be where the two parts of the plane broke upon landing in the intense jungle terrain.

He said: ”The Boeing 777-200 is 63.7m in length.

“Measuring the Google sighting you’re looking at around 69 metres, but there looks to be a gap between the tail and the back of the plane.

“It’s just slightly bigger, but there’s a gap that would probably account for that.”

He said he had been watching a documentary on the MH370 mystery that he had been sceptical of and felt the need to search the area online.

Mr Wilson added: “I just thought I’d have a wander through. I work in digital video so I’m on Google Earth all the time.

“So I was on there, a few hours here, a few hours there. If you added it up I spent hours searching for places a plane could have gone down.

“And in the end, as you can see the place where the plane is. It is literally the greenest, darkest part you can see.”

Mr Wilson’s discovery could prove to be a huge breakthrough in the mystery that has dominated the global aviation industry for the past four years.

In another dramatic twist, the Aviation Safety Network also told the Daily Star Online that this latest sighting does not fit the profile of any crashes in the area.

The missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 took off from Kuala Lumpar headed to Beijing on March 8, 2014, carrying 227 passengers and 12 crew.

The last words from the cockpit to Malaysian air traffic controllers, “Good Night Malaysia Three Seven Zero”,were heard at 1.19am by either Captain Zahaire Ahmed Shah or his co-pilot.

But the plane then suddenly disappeared from radar during a handover between air traffic controllers in Malaysia and Vietnam.

According to the MH370 Safety Investigation Report, radar and satellite analysis showed it flew back across the Malaysian peninsula and then onto the Indian Ocean.

It concluded that MH370 eventually ran out of fuel and crashed into sea west of Australia but despite the extensive investigation, officials still don’t know what happened to the plane.

The aircraft is still classified as missing, although some debris has washed up on the island of Reunion off Madagascar, which investigators said was from MH370.

But despite the long odds of the plane crashing into the Cambodian jungle, Mr Wilson still wants to search the area in case there were any errors in the previous analysis.

He said: “They know the transponder was turned off for that flight, it could have gone anywhere.

“It’s assumed it turned south. But just north from there is Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam.

“The route fits as well. It got to just where Malaysia switches to Vietnamese airspace.

“They know the plane went left after that, but after that everything else is conjecture.”

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