7-year-old nails national anthem at Galaxy game (Watch)

7-year-old nails national anthem at Galaxy game (Watch)
7-year-old nails national anthem at Galaxy game (Watch)
7-year-old nails national anthem at Galaxy game (Watch)
7-year-old nails national anthem at Galaxy game (Watch)

7-year-old girl crushes national anthem at LA Galaxy game.

At Sunday’s Los Angeles Galaxy game, the team’s announcer told fans that the singer performing the national anthem was “tiny but mighty.”

Still, those in the crowd at StubHub Stadium were blown away when Malea Emma Tjandrawidjaja — just 3’9″ and 40 lbs. — opened her mouth.

Tjandrawidjaja, from Los Angeles, California, performed an incredible rendition of the anthem after winning the #GalaxySocial contest last Wednesday, according to ABC News.

“I was thinking that I cannot do anything wrong because it’s a really special song to America,” Tjandrawidjaja told the news outlet. “I practice every night with my dad.”

Tjandrawidjaja’s father, Arman Tjandrawidjaja, told USA Today that his daughter has been “singing forever.”

“Basically before she could speak. Always singing,” he told USA Today. “Sometimes we have to tell her to be quiet.”

While performing for the Galaxy was a big accomplishment, Tjandrawidjaja hasn’t yet checked off her biggest goal: Singing with Christina Aguilera.

“She is her favorite singer,” her father told the newspaper. “But for us, well, she is still pretty young. We don’t know where this will end up going. We are just trying to introduce her to a lot of opportunities.”

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