Bret Hart Attacker Gets Battle Royaled During WWE Hall Of Fame Melee (Reports)

Bret Hart Attacker Gets Battle Royaled During WWE Hall Of Fame Melee (Reports)
Bret Hart Attacker Gets Battle Royaled During WWE Hall Of Fame Melee (Reports)

Bret Hart has spoken out for the first time since he was attacked during Saturday night’s WWE Hall Of Fame ceremony.

WWE’s annual Hall Of Fame ceremony is a time for celebration. To look back on some of the greatest moments in wrestling history and honor some of its best competitors. As great a chapter in HOF history the 2019 ceremony was, as always, it will sadly be remembered for the one thing that marred the evening. The attack by a random fan on Bret Hart as he gave his speech.

The Hitman was one of three former Superstars to become a two time Hall Of Famer on Saturday along with Booker T and Shawn Michaels. This second time around, he was being inducted as one half of the original Hart Foundation. He and Natalya were in the ring, the latter alongside her uncle to represent her late father, Jim Neidhart, the other half of The Hart Foundation.

As Hart was speaking, a fan rushed the ring and took both him and Nattie to the mat. Wrestlers then poured into the ring to diffuse the situation. Although the two-time HOFer continued with his speech afterward and also appeared at WrestleMania, he still took to Instagram on Monday to reassure fans that he is okay. “I want to let everyone know that I am okay and was not injured,” he wrote.

“I wasn’t going to let anything stop me from completing my tribute to my best friend and our team,” Hart added. In terms of the attacker, we won’t give him the satisfaction of being named here, but we will let you know that at the time of typing this he is still incarcerated. That’s due to the fact that nobody has posted his bail. What a shame.

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