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Report: Six — count ’em, six — McManus field goals lifts...
Broncos dominated most of game in building 18-3 lead, then held on. Denver D forced three turnovers as Pats coach Belichick bemoans lack of...
FBI Director James Comey Says Cover Laptop Webcams
FBI Director James Comey has defended his decision to cover his webcam with tape after he was widely mocked for his no-frills security tip...
Ant fastest animal? its killer jaws are nature’s fastest at 320km/h
Ant fastest animal? its killer jaws are nature's fastest at 320km/h.
A TINY ant that drinks the blood of its own young to survive has...
Ricin letter man arrested in Connection With Suspicious Envelopes
Ricin letter man arrested in Connection With Suspicious Envelopes.
A Navy veteran from Utah confessed to sending letters containing a poison to President Donald Trump...
Researchers see evidence of underground lakes system on Mars
Scientists say images of craters taken by European and American space probes show there likely once was a planet-wide system of underground lakes on...