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Pension scam victims lost an average £91,000 each, Report

Pension pot scams cost £91,000 per victim since rules relaxed. A new campaign has been launched in order to prevent more people being scammed by...

Coronavirus Updates: California reports over 49,000 new cases, 468 new deaths

California's coronavirus surge continues to worsen, according to new data released Sunday by the state's Health Department. The state recorded 49,685 new cases after administering...

Payton Summons ruling: Brain-dead daughter

Payton Summons ruling: Brain-dead daughter. A Texas judge has declined to extend a restraining order that would keep a brain-dead nine-year-old girl on life suppport. Payton...

Reese Witherspoon takes walk on ‘Wild’ side at Toronto festival

From the moment Reese Witherspoon tears off a bloodied big toe nail in the opening scene of her new film "Wild," it is clear...

Corsica: Burkini Ban In France Continues After Beach Brawl

A town on the island of Corsica has become the third place in France to ban the burkini, following a riot between families of...