Coronavirus Australia Updates: WA launches quarantine app with facial recognition

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The Western Australian government has also launched a new app that it says can be used to help police conduct self-quarantine checks on travellers.

The premier, Mark McGowan, earlier today cited the app as a reason the state could slightly ease its border restrictions on New South Wales and Victorian residents.

The app, called G2G Now, uses location data and facial recognition technology to conduct “virtual check-ups” on people, according to the state’s police commissioner, Chris Dawson.

“This new app will deliver greater certainty and confidence in self-quarantining,” McGowan said. “As a result of this technology, we have confidence in taking the next steps to ease some of our restrictions.”

The app is voluntary, but McGowan said all visitors to WA would be “strongly encouraged” to download it.

“The incentive to download the app is you’ll not need to have police physically checking in on you as regularly,” he said.

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