Coronavirus Updates: Russia reports more than 8,000 new cases

Coronavirus Updates: Russia reports more than 8,000 new cases
Coronavirus Updates: Russia reports more than 8,000 new cases

Russia reported 8,849 new cases of COVID-19 and 127 deaths over the past 24 hours, according to the country’s coronavirus response headquarters.

The nationwide total now stands at 317,554 diagnosed cases with 3,099 deaths.

The capital, Moscow, is the epicenter of the country’s outbreak. However, the city on Wednesday reported more recoveries from the disease — 3,746 — than new cases — 2,913, according to Russia’s coronavirus response headquarters.

Russia has the second-highest highest number of diagnosed COVID-19 cases in the world, behind the United States, according to a count kept by Johns Hopkins University.

Russia’s latest daily caseload is down from a peak of 11,656 new infections reported on May 11. Last Thursday marked the end of a 12-day streak during which the country registered over 10,000 new cases per day.

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