Coronavirus USA Updates: Cuomo calls for plan to disinfect subways

Coronavirus USA Updates: Cuomo calls for plan to disinfect subways
Coronavirus USA Updates: Cuomo calls for plan to disinfect subways

In New York state, 330 people died from the coronavirus on Tuesday, including 16 people who died in nursing homes, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said during his daily press briefing on Wednesday.

“We’re making progress,” the governor said, adding, “we are not out of the woods yet. And we’re proceeding with caution.”

Cuomo called attention to what he described as “the deterioration of the conditions in the subways.”

“The trains are filled with homeless people,” Cuomo said. “If you let homeless people stay on the trains in the middle of a global health pandemic with no masks, no protective equipment, you are not helping the homeless. Letting them endanger their own life and endanger the lives of others is not helping anyone.”

The governor said he spoke to MTA officials on Tuesday, and he’s expecting them to provide a plan on Thursday for how each train will be disinfected each night.

“Any essential worker who shows up and gets on a train should know that that train was disinfected the night before,” he said.

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