Coronavirus USA Updates: Eli Lilly Phase 3 trial paused for monoclonal antibody COVID-19 treatment

Coronavirus USA Updates: Eli Lilly Phase 3 trial paused for monoclonal antibody COVID-19 treatment
Coronavirus USA Updates: Eli Lilly Phase 3 trial paused for monoclonal antibody COVID-19 treatment

A Phase 3 trial for Eli Lilly’s monoclonal antibody COVID-19 treatment has been paused following a potential safety concern.

The trial, called ACTIV-3, is studying Eli Lilly’s monoclonal antibody treatment, plus remdesivir, in hospitalized patients.

Monoclonal antibodies are synthetic versions of the natural antibodies made in response to infection.

Eli Lilly said in a statement: “Out of an abundance of caution, the ACTIV-3 independent data safety monitoring board (DSMB) has recommended a pause in enrollment. … Lilly is supportive of the decision by the independent DSMB to cautiously ensure the safety of the patients participating in this study.”

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