Coronavirus USA Updates: Social distancing has dropped significantly in the US

Coronavirus USA Updates: Social distancing has dropped significantly in the US
Coronavirus USA Updates: Social distancing has dropped significantly in the US

The number of Americans who say they are social distancing amid the nation’s coronavirus pandemic – although still a majority – has dropped by 17 percentage points since late March as several states have ended stay-at-home orders, according to a new Gallup poll released Friday.

But the drop isn’t just from individuals who live in states where they can now dine in restaurants, get haircuts at barbershops or visit parks. More people in states that still have stay-at-home restrictions are also no longer social distancing.

Fifty-eight percent of Americans said they are either completely (17%) or mostly (41%) isolating themselves, the poll found, down from a high of 75% who said they were between March 30 and April 4 and 68% who said they were April 20-26.

However, an ABC News/Ipsos poll released Friday found that almost 70% of Americans that have children under 18 who typically go to school are currently not willing to send them back. The poll also found nearly 3 in 4 Americans believe there is a shortage of coronavirus tests available in the U.S.

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