Coronavirus USA Updates: Tesla CEO Musk restarts California factory amid lockdown

Coronavirus USA Updates: Tesla CEO Musk restarts California factory amid lockdown
Coronavirus USA Updates: Tesla CEO Musk restarts California factory amid lockdown

Tesla has restarted its California factory, a move that defied local government orders involving measures to contain the coronavirus. The plant employs 10,000 people in Fremont, south of San Francisco, and had been closed since March 23. State law allows a fine of up to $1,000 a day or up to 90 days in jail for operating in violation of health orders.

“Tesla is restarting production today against Alameda County rules. I will be on the line with everyone else,” CEO Elon Musk tweeted. “If anyone is arrested, I ask that it only be me.”

The county Health Department deemed the factory a nonessential business. Musk pleaded his case on Twitter, saying the state had previously approved the opening and that car manufacturers in other states are up and running.

“Only Tesla has been singled out,” Musk tweeted. “This is super messed up!”

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