Facts you may not know about Dude Perfect

Facts you may not know about Dude Perfect
Facts you may not know about Dude Perfect

Ten years ago, few could have guessed that five friends and a panda would capture the hearts and attention of millions—but the dudes of Dude Perfect have done just that. Yet even though they’re household names, not everyone knows the real guys and their panda. Whether you’re a hardcore fan or just getting into Dude Perfect, here’s everything you need to know.

Cory Cotton is a published author

Not content with internet stardom, Dude Perfect founding member Cory Cotton is also an author. In 2011, Tyndale House published his debut self-help book Go Big: Make Your Shot Count in the Connected World. In it, Cotton not only charts the course Dude Perfect took from a collection of college students to Internet sensations, he also provides tips and pointers for other would-be internet conquerors, like “If you don’t act wisely and quickly to stand out in the crowd, an idea marked with your fingerprint could easily end up with someone else’s name on the package.” Seriously, you don’t want to wish you were the one who came up with the iPod.

They’re a charitable bunch of guys

Just because he’s a young guy riding a wave of internet millions, don’t think Cotton has let it all go to his head. He and the rest of the group have made a point of giving back. They’ve aligned themselves with both Charity: Water and Compassion International, as they all feel they should do something more than provide entertainment. As Cotton put it, “We have this platform, and we’re always thinking of the best ways to use it.” Charitable works are an excellent place to start.

Cody Jones is a father

Even in a whirlwind of media attention and television deals, they still make time for their personal lives. Not only are three of the Dudes married, but in January 2016, Cody Jones told his Twitter followers he was going to be a father in June of that year. It’s a good thing they inked that TV deal with CMT, because babies are expensive— and now Jones needs to start saving up for his kid’s college fund.

They’re Harlem Globetrotters

Back in 2011, the guys in Dude Perfect began a friendly rivalry with the original trickshot masters, the Harlem Globetrotters. The two teams met up at the Ranch for a game of H.O.R.S.E. The Dudes managed to impress the Globetrotters with their signature super large fishing pole shot, earning an invitation to become a part of the team during their 2015 draft. No word on whether or not the Dudes accepted the offer.

They don’t plan on doing this forever

Though they’re having the time of their lives now, the Dudes eventually want to do other things. In June 2015, Tyler Toney told The Kernel, “We don’t want to be 40-year-olds on YouTube doing basketball shots.” (And really, few want to see that.) But don’t worry, it doesn’t mean they’ll disappear from the public eye entirely. Toney went on to say that he and the guys want to continue entertaining—just differently. Maybe they can turn their attention toward training the next generation of Dude Perfectors.

Read More: https://www.looper.com/14265/facts-may-know-dude-perfect/?utm_campaign=clip

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