FBI Director James Comey Says Cover Laptop Webcams

FBI Director James Comey Says Cover Laptop Webcams
FBI Director James Comey Says Cover Laptop Webcams

FBI Director James Comey has defended his decision to cover his webcam with tape after he was widely mocked for his no-frills security tip earlier this year.

We recently told you that Mark Zuckerberg, the CEO of the world’s largest social media site, is worried so much about privacy that he uses tape to cover up his webcam.

FBI Director James Comey revealed earlier this year that he also uses tape to cover his webcam. Now, he’s recommending that everyone does it. He recently made the recommendation during a conference at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Comey has been taking some flack after acknowledging his webcam is covered with tape. He previously said tech companies should not develop products that are unhackable to law enforcement. Critics say covering the webcam with tape is hypocritical because he’s making it unhackable.

Covering your webcam with tape could help avoid some serious security issues. Remote hackers can use malware dubbed RAT (Remote Access Trojan), to take over your computer completely, turn on your webcam without your knowledge and maliciously spy on you. Hackers could even turn off the webcam indicator light so you won’t even know if it has been turned on remotely.

RAT malware could infect your computer via a number of ways. There is the usual “click on this link” method, distributed by email, text messaging and social media sites. With this method, hackers will try and direct you to a website where the malicious software resides and from there, it will download and install to your computer as discreetly as possible.

One thing you need to do is have strong software security on your gadget. Did you know that Kaspersky Internet Security will send you alerts whenever a program attempts to access your webcam? You can set up permissions for certain applications, such as Skype and Google Hangouts so that the webcam can be used automatically. But all other programs will be denied access to your webcam unless you grant them permission.

Kaspersky Internet Security includes core protection, advanced protection, financial protection, privacy and identity protection, as well as security options for your tablet, smartphone and Mac. For even more protection, try Kaspersky Total Security, which includes additional features such as digital asset protection, password management, online backup, encryption and PC cleanup tools that keep your system running smoothly.

Bertha R. Massie

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