Google Glass version 2: Enterprise Edition photos surface

Google Glass version 2: Enterprise Edition photos surface
Google Glass version 2: Enterprise Edition photos surface

Google’s attempt to make a wearable face computer didn’t go so well, but maybe the masses just weren’t ready. Now, Google Glass is reportedly on its way to businesses with a new Enterprise Edition. This assumes even businesses have a use for Glass. Google has yet to acknowledge the existence of this device, but images are now up on the FCC’s website. It looks a lot like the original Explorer Edition Glass.

The tech giant filed photos, internal photos, test reports, test setup photos, a user manual, a request for confidentiality, and information on radio frequency absorption for the device, dubbed GG1, with the FCC.

According to the user manual, the power button is positioned on the back of the device.

“The plastic cube just above your right eye allows you to interact with the device. The Home Screen is your starting point. By default, the display shows you the current time,” the document explains.

“The camera button is located on top of the device near the display. Press the camera button to take a photo. Hold it down to record a video. The green light shows when the camera is on.”

The flat area along the side is the touchpad, which Google says is used to navigate through what it calls “cards” on the device’s display.

Google also submitted documents authorizing company UL Verification Services Inc to act on its behalf in getting documents approved by the FCC.

While Google’s confidentiality filing argued that “the technology that is the subject of the certification application is subject to intense competition from other manufacturers and service providers that are developing competing services and technology”, its competitors have done little in the space.

Maxine J. Martin

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