Guardsman faints during Queen Elizabeth’s birthday parade (Watch)

Guardsman faints during Queen Elizabeth's birthday parade (Watch)
Guardsman faints during Queen Elizabeth's birthday parade (Watch)
Guardsman faints during Queen Elizabeth's birthday parade (Watch)
Guardsman faints during Queen Elizabeth’s birthday parade (Watch)

Guardsmen faint in high temperatures during Trooping the Colour.

Saturday’s (17 June) celebration of Queen Elizabeth II’s official birthday was marked with the customary Trooping the Colour but the sweltering London sun was too much for some guardsmen.

With the monarch and her family eagerly watching the military display in 25C heat, an astonishing five soldiers collapsed, according to the Press Association.

Video footage shows one bearskin clad trooper fall over face first onto Horse Guards Parade, close to the Queen’s residence of Buckingham Palace.

Unperturbed, the other servicemen, numbering more than 1,000, maintained their positions as if nothing had happened.

Well over a minute after the unconscious serviceman had hit the deck, he was collected by military medics, bundled onto a stretcher and removed from the parade ground.

An Army spokeswoman said: “We can confirm that during the Queen’s birthday parade today a small number of soldiers fainted.

“It is an extremely hot day and all were removed from the Parade and checked by medical staff where they were hydrated.”

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