Jack Monroe: Food blogger Sues Katie Hopkins

Jack Monroe: Food blogger Sues Katie Hopkins
Jack Monroe: Food blogger Sues Katie Hopkins
Jack Monroe: Food blogger Sues Katie Hopkins
Jack Monroe: Food blogger Sues Katie Hopkins

Jack Monroe begins £50000 WW2 libel case against Katie Hopkins.

JACK Monroe is suing columnist Katie Hopkins for defamation in the UK High Court over a number of posts made on Twitter.

The case centres around tweets sent by Hopkins to the blogger in the summer of 2015.

Monroe is claiming damages from controversial Hopkins over tweets she says caused “serious harm” to her reputation.

Monroe, a food blogger who also campaigns on poverty issues, is asking a judge to find that she was “defamed” by the former Apprentice contestant.

Writing on the social media platform yesterday, Monroe said that five hours of cross-examination was “gruelling, exhausting and deeply unpleasant”. She then wrote that she’ll be glad when the whole litigation process is over and done with and thanked people for their support.

Monroe rose to prominence when she began writing a blog which shared affordable recipes she had created while living as a young single mother. Since becoming more well-known, Monroe has also been outspoken on issues such as poverty and austerity.

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