Justin Bieber Intruder Arrested After Barging Into Hotel Room (Reports)

Justin Bieber Intruder Arrested After Barging Into Hotel Room (Reports)
Justin Bieber Intruder Arrested After Barging Into Hotel Room (Reports)

Today in alarming Justin Bieber news, TMZ reports that an intruder “barged” into his hotel room in Laguna Beach on Tuesday afternoon and was arrested for trespassing. Sources say the woman had been “partying and roaming the hallways of the hotel earlier in the day” and that security had already escorted her off the property. But, um, apparently she returned later in the day and “walked straight into Justin’s room.”

The good news: Bieber didn’t panic and simply told the woman to leave before security “stepped in” and the cops arrived. Meanwhile, the woman claims to have entered the room by mistake. ’Cause who among us hasn’t accidentally wandered into the hotel room of a famous celebrity! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

FYI, this incident appears to have gone down right around the same time that Justin hit Instagram and responded to a fan who claimed (in the comments on the below photo) that he’s only with Hailey Baldwin to get back at Selena Gomez.

Bieber’s response, in full, follows (and yes, he says he still loves Selena—although it’s clear he means as a friend!):

“ur immature the fact that you have an account dedicated to dissing my wife and I is absolutely absurd why would I dedicate my whole life to someone in marriage to get back and my ex, anyone who believes this is mean spirited or 10 years old or younger because a logical person doesn’t talk or think this way u should be ashamed of yourself really. I absolutely loved and love Selena she will always hold a place in my heart, but I am head over heals in love with my wife and she is absolutely the BEST THING that has ever happened to me period. The fact that you want to spend your day dedicating yourself to hate says a lot about you, and if this was some sick ploy to get my attention U to get are wrong on so many levels I’ve seen multiple people say things like this and will never respond again to a message like this because I don’t like to even give it my energy but this is a reply to all the immature sick people who send Hailey hurtful messages like ‘he always goes back to Selena’ or ‘Selena is better for him’ YOU HAVE NO IDEA MY LIFE AND WHAts good for me!! Hailey is my Bride period if you don’t like that or support that that means you don’t support me and if you don’t support me your not a fan nor a good person, if you were raised right your parents would have said if you don’t have something nice to say don’t say anything.”

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