Last nun in Katy Perry’s convent battle won’t back down (Details)

Last nun in Katy Perry's convent battle won't back down, Report
Last nun in Katy Perry's convent battle won't back down, Report
Last nun in Katy Perry's convent battle won't back down, Report
Last nun in Katy Perry’s convent battle won’t back down, Report

Last Nun Standing Vows to Take Katy Perry Down in Convent Battle.

Katy Perry may have technically won the bitter legal battle with a group of nuns over ownership of prime Los Angeles property, but one sister refuses to back down from the shade-throwing pop star.

In an interview with Daily Beast, 79-year-old Sister Rita Callanan detailed her vow to stand — with the assistance of a walker — against the singer who bankrupted her. In 2015, Callanan and four other nuns tied to a convent located on an on-sale estate in Los Feliz found themselves up against Perry, who successfully bought the property, against the nuns’s wishes for the estate to go to restaurateur Dana Hollister.

After losing her last companion just two weeks ago, Callanan is the only nun still in the fight. Appearing for post-judgment hearing in early March, Sister Catherine Rose Holzman tragically died in court, soon after making an impassioned plea to the singer: “And to Katy Perry, please stop. It’s not doing anyone any good except hurting a lot of people.”

Sister Holzman’s death has been hard on Sister Callanan for a multitude of reasons, but the latter has her own message for Perry: “I’m not going to give up.”

“I just feel that Katy Perry is used to getting all she wants, and to her money means everything, and to her, whatever Katy wants, Katy gets,” Callanan. In this case, Perry wants to use the property for meditating, sipping green tea, and “finding herself,” according to a 2015 interview.

While it’s unclear how exactly Sister Callanan intends to fight Perry, given Los Angeles Archbishop José Horacio Gómez finalized the sale to Perry in 2016, the nun told the Daily Beast that she and her attorney are planning their next steps. She has also set up a GoFundMe to raise money to fight for the nuns’ “right to be recognized as the rightful owners or our own Convent property.”

“We are appealing this unjust ruling and rest assured, the truth will prevail,” she wrote.

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