Lottery ticket in old jacket: Montrealer finds $1.75-million lottery ticket

Lottery ticket in old jacket: Montrealer finds $1.75-million lottery ticket
Lottery ticket in old jacket: Montrealer finds $1.75-million lottery ticket
Lottery ticket in old jacket: Montrealer finds $1.75-million lottery ticket
Lottery ticket in old jacket: Montrealer finds $1.75-million lottery ticket

A Canadian man made a life-changing discovery when cleaning out his closet.

Gregorio De Santis of Montreal was getting ready to take some clothes from the closet to a donation center when he checked the pockets of an old jacket.

Inside he found a forgotten lottery ticket — which it turned out was worth $1.75 million.

De Santis told CBC News that he expected the old lotto ticket, dated December 6 2017, may be worth up to $1,700, so took it to be validated.

In fact, the ticket was worth significantly more than he guessed — $1.75 million ($1.3 million USD) in total.

De Santis attributed his good fortune to his sister, who had urged him to clean out the old closet.

“I would never have looked in that wardrobe without her,” he said.

He was also lucky to find the ticket when he did, as under Loto-Québec’s ruled tickets expire a year after their purchase, meaning the ticket would have been invalid if found two months later.

De Santis said he would review his retirement plans and take some time to think. A keen hockey fan, he said he’d take his nephew to some games.

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