Melania Trump’s jacket was no mistake (Picture)

Melania Trump's jacket was no mistake (Photo)
Melania Trump's jacket was no mistake (Photo)
Melania Trump's jacket was no mistake (Photo)
Melania Trump’s jacket was no mistake (Photo)

Melania Trump’s ‘I Really Don’t Care’ Jacket Did Not Go Over Well.

On Thursday, Trump decided to make her fast-fashion debut in a $39 Zara olive green fatigue jacket with the question, “I Really Don’t Care, Do U?” splashed across its back.

In a perfect world, a first lady probably wouldn’t wear anything with an uncaring sentiment. Her unofficial platform is to care. First ladies are the embodiment of empathy.

But the Lady Trump took her insensitivity to the next level.

Because she chose to wear this hooded jacket as she boarded a plane at Joint Base Andrews on her way to visit immigrant children at the Texas border. I’m gonna repeat that in all caps, because, yes, I’m yelling: SHE WAS ON HER WAY TO VISIT IMMIGRANT CHILDREN AT THE TEXAS BORDER! The same immigrant children who were separated from their parents upon entering the United States as they left the terror in their own countries.

Last weekend, it was reported, the first lady urged the president to do something about the administration’s policy to separate children from their families. And yes, finally, the president signed an executive order Wednesday that reversed his administration’s family separation policy. That’s what makes this fashion choice all the more weird.

Even if her words and actions say that she disagreed with the Trump administration’s former policy, wearing a jacket emblazoned with a slogan of apathy shows how far removed she is from the human suffering around her.

Trump changed out of the offensive jacket — that she so swankily paired with skinny white jeans and a pair of green and white Adidas — before she got off the plane in Texas, replacing it with a tan khaki button up. And the first lady’s spokeswoman, Stephanie Grisham, said there was “no hidden meaning behind the jacket.”

Her husband seems to disagree, tweeting it was an indictment of the news media. ” ‘I REALLY DON’T CARE, DO U?’ written on the back of Melania’s jacket, refers to the Fake News Media. Melania has learned how dishonest they are, and she truly no longer cares!” he tweeted.

I don’t believe either.

This is the woman who, coincidentally, wore a pussy bow blouse to a debate days after then-candidate Trump used the word to pejoratively describe his prowess with the ladies. She’s done a fantastic job thus far telegraphing herself through fashion.

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