Microsoft Xbox One finally debuts in China

Microsoft Xbox One finally debuts in China
Microsoft Xbox One finally debuts in China

US technology giant Microsoft on Monday launched its Xbox One game console in China, the first foreign company to enter the potentially massive market after the government lifted a 14-year ban

The launch with Chinese partner BesTV was supposed to happen last week, but Microsoft delayed the official sales until today. The delay was no surprise, given how many things can go wrong with a console launch. Microsoft said it has launched the Xbox One, which debuted in the U.S. in the fall of last year, is now on sale in 4,000 retail locations across 37 cities in China.

That’s a pretty good spread, but it’s worth noting there are a 160 cities in China with more than 1 million people.

Last week, Microsoft went forward with a party for gamers in Shanghai at the Oriental Pearl Tower, even though it delayed the official launch by a week.

Microsoft previously said those in China who preordered will still be the first to receive the Chinese version of the console, and they will also get an unspecified added bonus. The company still says it is working with 25 leading developers to deliver 70 games for Xbox One fans in China.

Sherri E. White

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