Older person Violet Brown dies at 117 in Jamaica

Older person Violet Brown dies at 117 in Jamaica
Older person Violet Brown dies at 117 in Jamaica
Older person Violet Brown dies at 117 in Jamaica
Older person Violet Brown dies at 117 in Jamaica

The world’s oldest person, 117-year-old Violet Moss Brown has died, her son Barry Russell, 85, has reported.

Violet Mosse Brown, the oldest person in the world, has reportedly passed away at her home in Jamaica.

Aged 117-years-old, Brown was born in Trelawney on March 10, 1900, spending her entire life there, known to many as ‘Aunt V’.

She officially became the oldest living person when Emma Morano passed away earlier in the year. Queen Elizabeth sent Brown a plaque to commemorate her long life, Metro reports.

“Really and truly, when people ask what me eat and drink to live so long, I say to them that I eat everything, except pork and chicken, and I don’t drink rum and them things,” Aunt V told a local paper after her 110th birthday.

“You know, sometimes I ask myself, ‘Am I really 110 years old?’ because I don’t feel like 110.”

The remarkable woman lived in the same house for her 117 years, but had no specific routine to fuel her longevity. As far as her diet went, she told the Jamaica Observer that she ‘likes fish and mutton and sometimes she will have cow foot’.

However, she cites her devotion to God as a big help, too. “My faith in serving God, and believing strongly in the teaching of the bible [helped],” she said.

If you look through history, it’ll be easy to see that there’s no definitive method to having a long life, as many people claim different things help them.

Britain’s oldest man, Jack Mansfield, once revealed the secret to his long life, which was working hard.

He was born in 1907, which means that he has lived through 19 Prime Ministers, five monarchs and survived two world wars. Also, he was alive when the Titanic sank, when the great depression struck and when man first walked on the moon.

According to Jack, he really does put it down to hard work and was still performing manual work at the ripe old age of 98.

He said: “The secret to getting to this age is work – it just keeps you going and I’ve never stopped. I would work 20 hours at a time. I never used to go to bed at night – I didn’t have time.

“I’ve really roughed it over the years. I used to smoke, but not a lot, and enjoyed draughts and dominoes in the pub.

“When I’ve had any aches and pains over the years, I’ve rubbed vinegar on them and I swear by it. I think drinking it has kept me from falling ill.”

However, he knows how to relax, and he celebrated being unveiled as Britain’s oldest bloke with a pint of beer. Legend.

His oldest child, Doreen, is 84. He has six children altogether, but sadly his wife, Beatrice, passed away 26 years ago.

He also has 10 grandchildren, 15 great grandchildren and a great, great grandchild. He celebrated his 109th birthday in December, 2016.

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